Personal Blog

Another PostDocs’ Website

Academic Portfolio and Occasional Thoughts.

Hi, my name is Benjamin Goecke and I am a psychologist.

Currently, I am employed as a PostDoc at the Hector-Institute of Education Sciences and Psychologyat the University of Tübingen in Germany. There I am part of the scientific team supporting the Hector Children’s Academies in evaluating its programs regarding potential development and giftedness.

I spend my time working in the field of individual differences and psychological assessment. Generally, I am studying how individuals differ in time-transcending characteristics and current states through examining characteristics like personality traits and cognitive abilities. Both types of variables are usually measured using psychometric methods. I like to spend thought on the improvement and further development of measurement instruments, as good measurement is a crucial of psychological assessment.

I am intrigued by a variety of research topics within our scientific field and am currently developing a more specific scope of research questions I would like to pursue in the future. However currently, I am mostly interested in cognitive processes underlying individual differences in cognitive abilities and how these can be assessed, modeled, and explained. This includes, for example, research on various factors of contemporary intelligence structure models.

I assembled this website in order to highlight my growing academic portfolio and also might occasionally summarize my readings on topics of potential interest in the form of blog posts. These blog posts could be an outlet for articulating my thoughts as I proceed through the process of learning, understanding, and developing. I think of them as a laboratory for exploring how certain ideas might inspire and inform each other. Generally, I would like to try to share interesting things I stumble upon from time to time, instead of only dwelling on thoughts.

When I am not working, I spend most of my free time with our little daughter. Apart from that, I enjoy taking and post-processing photographs, pleasant cinematography, traveling, learning languages, reading, and good console games.

Feel free to reach out in any way.

Curriculum Vitae

Download Complete CV

Me in short.


  • Structure and consequences of individual differences in cognitive abilities (e.g. working memory, mental speed, knowledge, reasoning, retrieval, creativity)
  • Psychometrics and research methods (e.g., structural equation modeling, validity)
  • Selection (e.g., college admission)
  • Test construction and alternative assessment methods (e.g., semantic networks)


    Dr. rer. nat., Psychology , Ulm University (2023)
    M.Sc., Psychology , Ulm University (2019)
    B.Sc., Psychology , Ulm University (2018)

Recent Publications


Skills and Interests

Things I occasionally engage in; professionally and privately.

R | R Studio

Various use cases.


95%-CI[67%; 83%] ;-)


Admirer of Cartier-Bresson.

Stenografie DEK (Shorthand)

Still alive.


It’s like having interactive movies.



POUB = pile of unread books. (It’s growing constantly.)


Too much on the list.


Feel free to reach out to me.